Ram dump error su telefoni Android

Ram dump error:
DBI Err Fatal!
DemiGod Crash Handler : DBI Err Fatal!
Board Rev.:1.0
Ram dump mode.
Option : SD card ram dump mode.
Push below files to sdcard before test.
rdcookie.txt, rtcookie.txt
Please do folliwing action.
1) Ram dump Mode. Please connect USB.
2) Get the ram dump image using QPST Configuration.
3) If sdcard ram dump enabled just wait for reboot.
4) Collect ramdump files from your pc or sdcard.
5) Send e-mail to W5-BSP-Global@lge.com
Rename the file to only aboot.bin!
Need to be done in CMD!
How to install:
Recommended Method:
(In PC only, Aboot needs to be in Internal Storage on L70)
adb shell
dd if=/sdcard/aboot.bin of=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/aboot
Fastboot Method:
Reboot into fastboot.
Get aboot
do fastboot flash aboot aboot.bin
Enjoy aboot!
How to help:
Upload your own aboot! Any variant is wanted from any rom.
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